ArchLIGHT Navigating Budgets in Professional Lighting Design - 1 CEU

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
12:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Featured Event
Location: TM 4826 - The SMART Center 

1 CEU - 
Lighting design strategies can vary widely in terms of design, as well as cost. From project inception to fruition, lighting budgets must be considered carefully to not only ensure your competitive edge, but your vision becomes a reality.

Presented by AE Design, attendees at this session will gain a clearer understanding of how a typical project budget is shaped, who can help advocate for their choices, and how to make better decisions with lighting budgets top of mind. 

Following this presentation, professional lighting design firms will feel well-prepared to achieve a client’s goals through strategic input and guidance on budgeting tactics such as: Initial project budget considerations and assessing typical costs, configuring the development of a budget, learning how to have proper cost analysis conversations, and implementing these strategies. 

Session participants will understand where lighting typically fits into a project’s overall budget, obtain strategies for working with different lighting reps, and learn how to manage the procurement process while becoming further integrated within the Value Engineering process. 

This granular breakdown explored in this presentation of the push and pull between various relationships throughout the design/construction process will advise designers to gauge initial budget constraints and how to adjust to new and sometimes unexpected changes.